Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk officially launched his much-anticipated artificial intelligence startup, xAI, on Wednesday. With a team consisting of engineers from major U.S. technology firms, Musk aims to build an alternative to ChatGPT and address his concerns about AI's potential risks.
Musk, known for his roles as CEO of Tesla (TSLA.O), SpaceX, and owner of Twitter, has been vocal about the need to regulate AI development and has called for a pause in its advancement due to concerns of "civilizational destruction."
During a Twitter Spaces event, Musk shared his vision for creating a safer AI. Instead of explicitly programming morality, xAI will focus on developing a "maximally curious" AI. Musk explained that understanding the true nature of the universe is crucial for AI safety, as it aligns with humanity's innate curiosity.
In addition, Musk predicted that superintelligence, AI surpassing human intelligence, could become a reality within the next five to six years.
Musk co-founded OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, in 2015 but stepped down from the board in 2018. OpenAI counts Microsoft as one of its investors.
The xAI website announced an upcoming Twitter Spaces event on July 14 to provide further insights into the startup's goals.
The xAI team comprises experienced professionals, including Igor Babuschkin from Google's DeepMind, Tony Wu from Google, Christian Szegedy, formerly a research scientist at Google, and Greg Yang, previously associated with Microsoft.